Learning React.js and Redux
I had a hard time learning React.js, because it requires complex boilerplate setup, tooling and special application architecture such as Flux or Redux. After ...
Power of technical documentation
There are so many open source projects out there that it’s hard to sort through them all. Some of them are successful, some of ...
React.js route state name
React.js router is at version 2.0 as of now. It’s changing fast. So this may not work few months from now. I had the ...
Uploading files with React.js and Node.js
Uploading files is one of the most common tasks performed by web developers. It’s a pretty simple operation when using PHP or other server ...
Send emails with Ember.js + Amazon SES + Firebase
The challenge arises when you need to add a piece of server side logic, like sending emails, uploading files, authentication, or storing some data ...
What web development language should I learn in 2017
If you just want to learn a new language I would recommend to decide what you’ll be doing and start by answering these questions ...